Facebook Profile Photo Large Size Trick

Facebook Profile Photo Large Size Trick

Sometimes You Want To View Someone's Profile Picture which has a Only Me Restriction in it So That Others Cant See. So Here's The Trick to View it in Large Size.

How To View Facebook Locked Profile Picture ?

1. Open the facebook profile of person whose profile picture is locked or is set to private.
2. Right click on the profile picture and click on Copy Image Url as shown in image below.

Facebook Profile Photo Large Size Trick

3. Open that image in new tab by  right clicking and selecting Paste (CTRL + V)
4. Now change the value of image size highlighted below which might be s160x160 tos720x720 (If its not clear try (s320x320)
5. The image will enlarge in size. This trick does not always work.

Trace Anyone On Facebook

Hello Guys.

Someone has made your fake account?Want To Trace Him?emm you can trace him with a simple trick . so to trace him/her follow me.

1: First you got to find out the IP address of that User.

2: To Do so we will be using “netstat” command in windows. If you want to know the IP address of a specific person on facebook or orkut or any chat service, there is only one way: Just invite or ping him for a chat and while chat is ON open ‘Command Prompt‘ on your PC (Start >Run>cmd).
note: before trying this make sure you close all the other tabs in your browser. and only facebook is open. also if possible delete all the history and cache from your browser.

3: When command prompt opens Type the following command and hit Enter.
netstat -an

4: And you will get all established connections IP addresses there. 

5: Note down all the suspicious IP’s.

6: The Next Step is to Trace that user using his IP address.
To do so we will be using IP tracer service. Go to the below address and paste the IP address in the box that says “lookup this ip or website”. and it will show you the location of the user.
http:// http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer
It will show you all the information about that user along with his ISP and a Location in the MAP. Now in the MAP Just click on “click for big ip address location” in the big picture you can actually zoom in. and try to recognize the area. If any serious matter just note down the ISP details in that page and contact them about the IP. they will respond you.

Other netstat commands:

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.
-e Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
-p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP or UDP.
-s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP, or IP.
-r Displays the routing table.
-s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and IP; the
-p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.

Block Facebook On Your Computer or Laptop Without Software

Block Facebook On Your Computer or Laptop Without Software

In This trick I will teach you to specifically block Facebook on your computer. This might be helpful if you want to prevent students from using Facebook in school and colleges or your employees in office. If you are parent and don't want your child to use Facebook or any other particular site then follow simple steps given below.

Steps To Block :-

  • 1. Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories
  • 2. Then Right click on Notepad and Run it as administrator.
  • Now open host file by clicking on File > Open and locate to following address
  • "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc"

    Now Open Hosts File and Below # localhost Host Past These Line

    # Blocking Facebook login.facebook.com www.facebook.com apps.facebook.com blog.facebook.com

    5. Now save the host file and done. 
    6. Open any browser and try to open Facebook. It won't open. If Facebook opens then you might have done something wrong.

    How to See Latest Page Likers

    How To See Latest Facebook Page Likers 2015 - Increase Facebook Likes

    How to see or Check my new Facebook page fans Profile is very easy but most people don't know about this, But its very useful for if you buy Facebook fans targeted, and also very helpful in targeting your online business and using Facebook, You know time to time social sites affect your business, There are many social sites which help in earning large amount of money every day, Its main reason is that every business now a days are connected or affected to social site. So every company is trying to promote there business though social site, Just we are talking about Facebook so if you wanna promote your online products using this social site than you must create a page and target your friends, targeted friends make your business grow fast, Means you can target only your customers only. So i think see you new Facebook fans profile may useful for you, Lets talk more about this.

    How to See my new Facebook Page Liker's Profile or Account ?

    Recently Facebook Change's Their Fanpage Settings Layout Fixing Many Bugs and other issues and Including News Settings Allowing Users to Explore more Things in Their Fan Page. Many People are Not Getting This, They Think That the Changes facebook does aren't useful for them. But Yes It is Useful.
    So Here are Few Steps By Which You Can See Who Recently Likes Your Fanpage.
    • Login to Your Facebook Account
    • Open Your Fan-Page
    • Click on The Settings Tab Located at Upper Right

    • Click on Banned Users Tab
    • Now From The Dropdown Select People Who Like This

    This is the final step and now you will see a list of users who recently liked your Page and Navigate Down till the final results which will show you all the Page Likers.

    -Thanks For Reading my Article, Don't Forget to Like and Share :)

    Facebook Useful Shortcut Keys

    Whether you like to admit it or not, you probably spend a good amount of your life on Facebook. And I’m willing to guess that you’d prefer not to waste your life away looking at wedding photos of people barely know
    Which is why it’d behoove you to learn some handy desktop keyboard shortcuts for the site. Yes, that’s right –– Facebook has its own keyboard shortcuts, which can help you zoom through the site without dragging around your mouse.

    Here’s a full list of the most useful keyboard tricks:

    News Feed Shortcut Keys

    You can use these when you’re browsing the News Feed, that list of stories you see in the center column when you surf to www.facebook.com.
    • j and k: Tab down and up between posts. Press j to go to the next post; press k to go up to the previous post. You’ll know you have selected a post because a thick black line will show up to the left of that post.
    • l: Like or unlike a selected story.
    • c: Comment on a selected story.
    • s: Share a selected story.
    • o: Open the attachment of a selected story.
    • p: Post a status. Press p to get your cursor in the new status box and start typing.
    • / (slash):Open up the search box.
    • q: Search chat contacts.
    • Enter: Tab from the tagging, location, or feeling sections to the text box when making a post.
    And, most importantly, if you forget any of these
    • ?: Open the list of keyboard shortcuts while in News Feed

    Access Keys

    You should be able to use these from any page on Facebook.

    These guys vary by what browser and computer you’re using. So you’ll have to remember the specific code (below) that precedes each access code number. So if you want to open up Help on Chrome for Mac, you would hold down the Control, Option, and 0 keys. 

    Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + [#], then Enter

    Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + [#]

    Chrome for PC: Alt + [#]

    Safari for Mac: Control + Option + [#]

    Firefox for Mac: Control + Option + [#]

    Chrome for Mac: Control + Option + [#]

    • 0: Open the  help page.
    • 1: Go home.
    • 2: Go to your own profile page.
    • 3: View your friends.
    • 4: View your Facebook message inbox.
    • 5: View your notifications.
    • 6: View your settings.
    • 7: View your Activity Log.
    • m: Start composing a new Facebook message.

    Facebook Page Rename Trick

    Page Rename Trick, Fully Explained

    1. Download Hola Proxy For Chrome (http://goo.gl/1pH5fj)
    2. Add it To Chrome, it will install Automatically
    3. After That U'll see an icon at the top right of the Address Bar of Chrome as a Fire and it will be indicating as "Off"
    4. Logout of your facebook account and then click on that icon of Hola and Click on the Power Button and Then Select "United States"
    5. After Facebook will automatically be refreshed Login to your account and go to your desired page.
    6. Change The Category To Local Business & Click on the about section located under the cover photo.
    7. Click on Name and Edit it, You will see a Send Request link, Right Click on it and open it in new window.
    8. A form will apprear ;
    9. Tick on "I understand the formatting guidelines for my Page's new name."
    10. Now Select "A Business or a Company"
    11. Now Tick on "I would still like to change my Page name."
    12. Now it's the main step where you have to Change your Page's Name,
    For Example,
    If Your Current Page name is : Girly Hairstyles
    and you have to change it or remove the symbol or You have to remvove some text from it so Just Remove Some of he part from the name and Type in your Desired Name.
    Current Page Name : Girly Hairstyles
    New Desired Name : Hairstyles
    For That You Have To select This Option "I would like to remove infomation about my page from the name" (Second Option) from the drop down.
    or if you want to add some text to you page like this
    Current Page Name : Converse
    New Desired Page Name : Converse All Star
    So You Have To Select The 1st Option "I would like to add information about my page to the name"
    Keep in Mind That Name Should Not Be Totally Different else, Facebook wil take some more time to approve it. If You have a Spelling Mistake in the name so Select the Last Option "My Page Name is Currently Misspelled" or If You Want to Completely Change the name so then Select "I am rebranding my Page".
    14. Now You Have you Upload some documents for the page rename, You Can upload a Snap of Your Page Roles or About Section. The Best is That You Give Them any Utility Bill or Electricity Bill, You Can Get This From Here http://goo.gl/ACYebz or http://goo.gl/lajfQZ.
    Now Upload These.
    15. You Will See Two Options at the last, Trick Both of Them and Click on Send. You Will Recieve an Email From Facebook about Your Page Rename.

    Facebook To Be Shutdown For A Full Week To Perform Standard Maintenance

    National Report> Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, has announced that the social media giant will experience a week-long shutdown, due to standard maintenance being performed on the site. Starting at midnight PST on January 1, 2015, users will not be able to login to their Facebook accounts for seven full days. Access to Facebook will be restored to the public on January 8, 2015, at midnight PST.
    The shutdown includes all media devices as well, meaning those who access the site through their smartphones and tablets will not be able to until the maintenance is finished. Zuckerberg allegedly feels that the most current update issued to the platform fell short of even it’s lowest performance expectations.
    Updates made to Facebook within the last couple of years have angered many of the 1,000,000,000+ users to date, and Zuckerberg is aware, having received brutal reviews through both Android and iOS, as well as numerous complaints through the website itself. Most of the more recent updates have cause Facebook to crash, freeze, and
    The number one complaint from Facebook users since the last update has been about their news-feeds. Zuckcerberg thought users wanted to only see “Top Stories” when scrolling through their home-screens, yet found out the hard way that users prefer the old-fashioned way of viewing it through “Most Recent Stories”. This alone caused a major uproar for Facebook and Zuckerberg alike, who scrambled to fix what he never should have done in the first place.
    This very well may be another case of Zuckerberg fixing what is not broken. The Facebook kingpin has allotted a full week for website maintenance and updates, as to assure he doesn’t make the same mistakes he’s made in the past. He has stated that this time around, he will “dot all of his i’s, and cross all of his t’s”.
    Zuckerberg promises what’s to come will be Facebook’s “most pleasurable experience yet”, claiming that after the week passes, he is confident that he will see “an exponential rise in Facebook sign ups, resulting in the highest Facebook membership numbers in history”. For those unaware, the social media leader is currently worth well over $100-billion dollars, and Zuckerberg says that will double in 2015.