Facebook Page Rename Trick

Page Rename Trick, Fully Explained

1. Download Hola Proxy For Chrome (http://goo.gl/1pH5fj)
2. Add it To Chrome, it will install Automatically
3. After That U'll see an icon at the top right of the Address Bar of Chrome as a Fire and it will be indicating as "Off"
4. Logout of your facebook account and then click on that icon of Hola and Click on the Power Button and Then Select "United States"
5. After Facebook will automatically be refreshed Login to your account and go to your desired page.
6. Change The Category To Local Business & Click on the about section located under the cover photo.
7. Click on Name and Edit it, You will see a Send Request link, Right Click on it and open it in new window.
8. A form will apprear ;
9. Tick on "I understand the formatting guidelines for my Page's new name."
10. Now Select "A Business or a Company"
11. Now Tick on "I would still like to change my Page name."
12. Now it's the main step where you have to Change your Page's Name,
For Example,
If Your Current Page name is : Girly Hairstyles
and you have to change it or remove the symbol or You have to remvove some text from it so Just Remove Some of he part from the name and Type in your Desired Name.
Current Page Name : Girly Hairstyles
New Desired Name : Hairstyles
For That You Have To select This Option "I would like to remove infomation about my page from the name" (Second Option) from the drop down.
or if you want to add some text to you page like this
Current Page Name : Converse
New Desired Page Name : Converse All Star
So You Have To Select The 1st Option "I would like to add information about my page to the name"
Keep in Mind That Name Should Not Be Totally Different else, Facebook wil take some more time to approve it. If You have a Spelling Mistake in the name so Select the Last Option "My Page Name is Currently Misspelled" or If You Want to Completely Change the name so then Select "I am rebranding my Page".
14. Now You Have you Upload some documents for the page rename, You Can upload a Snap of Your Page Roles or About Section. The Best is That You Give Them any Utility Bill or Electricity Bill, You Can Get This From Here http://goo.gl/ACYebz or http://goo.gl/lajfQZ.
Now Upload These.
15. You Will See Two Options at the last, Trick Both of Them and Click on Send. You Will Recieve an Email From Facebook about Your Page Rename.

Facebook To Be Shutdown For A Full Week To Perform Standard Maintenance

National Report> Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, has announced that the social media giant will experience a week-long shutdown, due to standard maintenance being performed on the site. Starting at midnight PST on January 1, 2015, users will not be able to login to their Facebook accounts for seven full days. Access to Facebook will be restored to the public on January 8, 2015, at midnight PST.
The shutdown includes all media devices as well, meaning those who access the site through their smartphones and tablets will not be able to until the maintenance is finished. Zuckerberg allegedly feels that the most current update issued to the platform fell short of even it’s lowest performance expectations.
Updates made to Facebook within the last couple of years have angered many of the 1,000,000,000+ users to date, and Zuckerberg is aware, having received brutal reviews through both Android and iOS, as well as numerous complaints through the website itself. Most of the more recent updates have cause Facebook to crash, freeze, and
The number one complaint from Facebook users since the last update has been about their news-feeds. Zuckcerberg thought users wanted to only see “Top Stories” when scrolling through their home-screens, yet found out the hard way that users prefer the old-fashioned way of viewing it through “Most Recent Stories”. This alone caused a major uproar for Facebook and Zuckerberg alike, who scrambled to fix what he never should have done in the first place.
This very well may be another case of Zuckerberg fixing what is not broken. The Facebook kingpin has allotted a full week for website maintenance and updates, as to assure he doesn’t make the same mistakes he’s made in the past. He has stated that this time around, he will “dot all of his i’s, and cross all of his t’s”.
Zuckerberg promises what’s to come will be Facebook’s “most pleasurable experience yet”, claiming that after the week passes, he is confident that he will see “an exponential rise in Facebook sign ups, resulting in the highest Facebook membership numbers in history”. For those unaware, the social media leader is currently worth well over $100-billion dollars, and Zuckerberg says that will double in 2015.

Post Blank comment and Blank Status

We are Going To show You How To Post Blank Status And Blank Comment on Facebook!

Just Follow The Few Steps :

Left Click On Your Status Box Or Comment Box
and then Press Alt+0173 From Your Numeric Keypad.
For Status Click On Post And For Comment Just Press Enter.
And You’ll See The Blank Status Or Blank Comment

Thanks for Reading.
Please share if you like.

Risks of Using Auto Likers

What is an Auto Liker and What it Does?

As you sign up for facebook, it assigns you a facebook ID. When someone uses an auto-like function, it grabs random facebook IDs from their database that has billions of fake and real users. It then stores it onto the like function that you see under the post. An Autoliker Will always say you to give your access token to them. An access token gives a Facebook app permission to post as you on Facebook. Scammers want Facebook access tokens so they can spread spam (ex: bulk messages, excessively posting links or images).
To avoid access token theft, never copy and paste URLs from your Facebook address bar into suspicious websites. These URLs sometimes have an access token for your Facebook account.
Some common techniques spammers use to acquire your access token include promising to:
  • Let you see who viewed your Timeline or profile
  • Help you get more followers, friends or likes
  • Change the color of Facebook
  • Show you a shocking or exclusive video
Facebook Says To Keep Your Access Token as Safe as you take care of your password. A Spammer can do anything with your access token and can also hack your acccount. An access token means that you are providing them all your information and access to your account in short. Facebook Autolikers are best way to get automatic likes at status and profiles. Facebook Autolikers are websites which collection personal data through token number. Then this collected data is used to generate auto likes. Now the question how they are collecting data. Whenever someone use these auto likers then these sites access their token number to generate likes. Just take example if 10 person use any autoliker then they have collected 10 likes. Now if someone use same autoliker then they will get 10 likes on his/her status automatically and that use also added in the same list. After that total collection become 11 Likes. In the same total likes increase day by day within increase of their users.Only way to find total likes available is just depend on how many user already used it to get likes. There are many website who offer auto likes in which they need your token number to get access into your account and then they need status id or photo id where want to show fake likes. 

Are Auto Likers Harmful Or Not?

According to Facebook is totally a spam and totally a risky process. Using any Auto liker may results your account disabled or Facebook may apply few restriction on Account. These auto likers may result your account compromised because all the website need token number which means you are providing all the privileges to that application which you use to generate token number. According to Facebook Access Token number it works like an account Passwords. So Any service which need To Token of account may harm your personal information.

Few Suggestions About Auto Likers.

  • Never use Auto Like services from your original Account.
  • Auto Likers need Access Token Number which works like a password. So using it through your personal account may result account compromised.
  • Getting Auto likes on Status or Photo is also against Facebook usage terms. So Facebook may apply restriction on Liking and commenting and results into account disable. 
Need Likes On Your Status Without any Auto Liker? Read This Article From Here.

• Suggested:

Page Rename Trick After 200 Likes

Many People want to change their page names which are already 200+. But Facebook does not allow them to change. Here's a simple trick.

Read and Follow The Below Steps Very Carefully :-

Facebook page name change feature is already available to every user in USA.
So we can simply avail these features by changing our location to USA.
Don’t be afraid, we can easily change our location by a proxy chrome extension called HOLA PROXY.
Read this below steps carefully and apply in your facebook page to change its name:
1. Start Google Chrome browser and Click on this link to install HOLA PROXY
2. After installing HOLA PROXY extension in Chrome, now open http://www.facebook.com in same browser.
3. Now click or press the HOLA EXTENSION ICON situated on top right side of the browser.
4. Select the country as USA (United States of America)
5. Now your location is being changed to USA
6. Once your location is changed to USA server, your facebook page will be refreshed. Now you are required to enter your facebook credentials.
7.After login, navigate to your desired page (having more than 200 likes) which you want to change the name
8. Click on update info -> click on edit name
9. You can see a new option there
“Request Change” which previously was not available.
10. Do right click on it and open it in different tab (Open in a New Window)
11. A form will appear “I need to change the name of my page”. Tick on “I understand the formatting guidelines for may Page’s new name”
12. Now fill your desired facebook page name.
13. You can see an option “Why you want to change your page name”. Here I am recommending you to select the option “I am rebranding my page” from the drop down menu.
• Now you are required to create a doc file where you have to write the reasons why you really want to change your facebook page. Take some snapshots of your new business, website.
• Now tick the box and click on SEND button
• A message will be displayed in front of you saying “You will receive an email response shortly”
• After maximum 2 or 3 days, you will see the change in your facebook page name with your desired name.
You are done with how to change facebook page name after having more than 200 likes.
Enjoy and share this with your friends, they can also be able to change their facebook page name.

Click on The Share Button To Share.

Retrieve Deleted Facebook Pictures, Messages and Videos

Today we'll see the way to Recover deleted Facebook Pictures, Messages, Videos and far a lot of on facebook.

Basically its a Facebook Feature that not many folks are conscious of and thence i will be able to be penning this tutorial to allow you to guys fathom this superb feature/Trick that Facebook Provides.

Many a times we have a tendency to Delete Messages,Photos or Vidoes from our profile that isn't intentional however once we have a tendency to do , we are able to not undo it. and its gone forever.

But wait, there's a saying: Nothing is Lost, till ma can’t realize it, Likewise during this case although you delete something from your facebook account, you'll be able to savvy back. Facebook have all of your information in their archive that you'll be able to transfer too.

Retrieve Deleted Facebook Pictures, Messages , Videos

Follow the Below straightforward steps to grasp however you'll be able to revisit and have access to your deleted messages, photos,Videos and every one alternative information of your facebook profile.

Step 1:  First step you have to Click here to open Facebook General account Settings.

Step 2: Once you open your general settings, you'll see Download a copy of your Facebook Data, therefore click on it.

Step 3: On successive page you'll see a Download Archive Button, Click thereon and you'll be prompt to enter your Password to Continue, this is often a Security Step by Facebook.

Step 4: once coming into your Facebook Password, Click on Submit, On successive screen you'll be shown that the transfer link for your information are going to be sent to your email id that you accustomed produce your facebook account.

Step 5: Wait few minutes, check your mail. you'll see a mail from facebook in your Inbox with Downloading link prepared for you to transfer all of your information.
Step 6: currently once downloading the file. unfasten it and open the folder wherever you'll realize your messages, photos, videos. Pokes, Friend list etc.

The Files are going to be in .html format therefore you'll have to double click on the file and choose your favorite Browser to open the file, the File can open up in your browser wherever you'll have access to all or any your information..

Engage More Fans To Your Facebook Page

Want To Get More Likes on Your Page's Post, Get More Page Reach, So Here's a Simple Trick To Do So.

Sometimes Facebook Limits The Facebook Page's Post Reach Because Of The Less Audience Engaged on your page. 

Now What You have to do is Very Simple. First of all see what your Page is about and what do fans like the most. Post HD Images which attracts more fans, Make People Share and Comment on Your Post, Post Interesting Content and Try To Post 3 Times a Day which is Nearly Enough.

Now Comes The Main Part. How To Get More Fans and Make More People Engaged To Your Page.

What You Have To Do is Simple, Post any Offer Like "Share This Photo To Win This or That" as Shown In The Below Image.

                                                  • Before                                                   

• After

So This is The Trick, Post Offers According to the page which makes More People Share and Comment on Your Post By Which Your Page Audience Will Be Increased and Post Reach Will Become Better. Most People Use These Techniques To Make Their Page More Better. Remember, always post High Defination Images.

Disable Seen Feature by Unseen Facebook Chrome Extension

How To Disable Seen Feature By Facebook : Chrome Extension

Facebook created a “seen” function sometime back. It provides the read status of the message to the sender. This means when anyone sends you a message, they will recognize whether and when you look at the message. This function is advantageous for the sender. It may be destructive and cause problems for the receiver. To deactivate or disable seen feature and to hide the message read status, now we have Unseen facebook chrome extension This don’t permit Facebook to identify whenever you look at messages.

You Can Install This Extension Like Every Other Chrome Extension. You Can get This Extension From Here. Then Click On Free Button and It Will Automatically Check and Install. You may click on the icon to toggle Facebook Unseen On and off. This will disable seen feature in facebook messages.
If It Shows a "Grey" Icon  So it Means The Extension Is Disabled, Now Seen Option Will be Enabled, But if there is "Blue" Icon so it means There Will be no Seen Option and Now The Extension is Enabled. You Can Toggle Between Enable and Disable By Just Clicking on The Extension Icon.

Link To Chrome Extension : Click Here To Download

Earn Money By Your Facebook Pages

Facebook is one of the top most visited websites with over one billion monthly visitors. Facebook magic has been spread so fast that it fascinated people belonging to the different cultures & age groups all around the globe. Basically the Facebook is a social networking site that provides rich platform to make new connections with like-minded people, engage with them and exchange valuable information, thoughts and ideas; however facebook can be used to earn money in the multiple ways. You can earn hundreds and thousands of dollars by just sitting back in your home. Before going to the techniques on how to earn money on facebook you should remember one thing that facebook is not an online marketplace for buying & selling like Freelancer or Fiverr, yet you can earn from facebook with different techniques. Below mentioned facebook earning techniques are real one used by number of people to earn handsome earning; however most people are scared to share these techniques. 

How To Earn With Facebook Pages?

If You Have Facebook Pages With High Traffic So You Can Make Many Dollars Daily By Just Posting Links. Few Popular Websites By Which You Can Make Money are :

1. https://mylikes.com/
2. http://fans2cash.com/
3. http://publisher.vegmomos.com/
4. http://skylikes.com/

There are More Other Sites But These are Most common, What you have to do is to just make sure what your page is about and what your page audience like the most, now a link will be generated and you just have to share it on your fanpage. The more people click on the link and view that content you share, the more you will earn.

Verify Your Facebook Celebrity or Popular Brand Page

Many People Want To Verify Their Pages, But Most of The Celebrity Pages Get Verified. Here is The Process How it is Done.

First make sure that the page you are making of any celebrity has not been made earlier by someone else and not been verified earlier. 

Now The Second Step is that you have to make the page and make sure it reaches more than 1000 Likes so that it looks more official. Do Posting according to the celebrity so that more people are Engaged to your page.

Now Comes the Main Part of Verifying. Make a New Account of Same Name as You have On Your Page (Only Make if your page is about a celebrity or of "People" Category. Put in Correct Information in that account. After You Make That Account Click on This Link To Send Facebook a Request To Verify Your Page, Make Sure You are The Admin.
1. Select The Page You Want To Verify
2. You Must Have a Goverment Issued ID Card
3. Put in Any Website Which Describes The Celebrity, The Website Could be of a Movie, T.V Serial etc
3. Click on "Send" So that Your Request is Sent to Facebook and Facebook Will Review ad Verify it, This Could Take at Least 14 Business Days.

Feel Free To Share it With Your Friends and demand what you want to learn i will try to teach you by posting the tutorial.

Tips to make your Facebook account Secure

Want to make Your Account Secure, Prevent it From Hacking? So Here are Few Tips

How can your account be Hacked?

Hackers Use Different methods to hack someone's account. The Two Common methods are 

1. Phishing
2. Rat/Keyloggers

• Phishing

Sometimes people create fake websites that look like the Facebook login page. When you enter your email and password on one of these pages, they record your information and keep it. This is called phishing.
With access to your login information, these people can then access Facebook on your behalf and post things to a large group of friends. These messages or links are usually ads telling friends to check out videos or products.

• Rats/Keyloggers

These are a kind of Softwares which a hacker uses to hack victim's PC. When the Victim Opens the Rat/Keylogger so it automatically sends your pc's information to the hacker. Whenever you login to your facebook account so all of the info i.e Email ID & Password are sent to the Victim's Email by Which he can easily access your facebook account.
Many Keyloggers are Encrypted by which antiviruses do not Detect it as a Virus.

In Short :  keylogger is a type of surveillance software (considered to be either software or spyware) that has the capability to record every keystroke you make to a log file, usually encrypted. A keylogger recorder can record instant messages, e-mail, and any information you type at any time using your keyboard.

How To Make your Account Secure?

Following Three Security Options makes your Facebook Account Secure and Hack Proof. 

1) You can enable Login Notification so that whenever any body (or a hacker) tries to login with your User ID and Password, you will receive a Notification on your cell phone and you will come to know that it's time to change your password right now because the hacker has got your password and is trying to log in to your Facebook Account.

To Enable Login Nofication
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Login Aprovals. Put a Check Mark on your preffered option and click Save Changes button.

2) Always check your Active Sessions. If you notice any unfamiliar location or device, it means your Facebook Account is at risk. Just click on End Activity and dont forget to change your password after that.

To Check Active Sessions
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Where You're Logged In.

3) Enable Trusted Contacts So That Whenever You Forget Your Password or Want to Recover Your Account so There Must be a Way To Recover. Trusted contacts are friends you can reach out to if you ever need help getting into your Facebook account (ex: you forget your Facebook password and can’t get into your email account to reset it).
After you set up trusted contacts, next time you can't get into your account your trusted contacts can access special, one-time security codes from Facebook via a URL. You can then call your friends to get the security codes and use those codes to access your account.
Here You Can Choose Upto 3 trusted Contacts, Remember to choose those Friends whom you can call or are in your contact mostly.